Our uniform consists of:
- White or burgundy polo-shirt/white shirt or blouse
- School sweatshirt/cardigan with logo
- Black or grey school trousers (or tailored shorts)
- Grey school skirt/pinafore
- White socks/grey, black or burgundy tights or dark leggings
- Red and white checked school dresses
- Sensible black or brown shoes (not sportswear or boots)
- Head scarves that complement school uniform may be worn
Outdoor Clothing
- Sensible outdoor coat deemed suitable for school wear - preferably waterproof with a hood
- Boots/Wellingtons may be worn if changed on arrival. Please do not purchase boots for indoor wear
Indoor PE
- White t-shirt and black shorts
- Plimsolls/pumps (not trainers as these are too heavy for gymnastic/apparatus work) All children need pumps in school
- Socks (especially if tights are worn to school)
Outdoor PE
- Black sweatshirt/hoodie and black tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers- not blade/studded soles
- Spare socks
- Track suit/warm sports clothing in cold weather
As far as possible, PE kit should be kept in school, so that it is available as an emergency change of clothing. All clothing should be named and stored in a named drawstring bag, or small sports bag.
Where to buy Uniform
Branded uniform can be bought from MyClothing, who give a 5% dontation to school on every item purchased
Non-branded items can be purchased from many high street stores, supermarkets and online shops.
Second hand school uniform may also be available from Leeds Uniform Exchange online or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/leedsschooluniformexchange/