Admissions Consultation


Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026

Consultation Period: Monday 20th November2023 to Tuesday 9th January 2024

Our consultation invites you to give your views about the proposed admission arrangements for our academy for 2025-2026.

Consultation Summary

The Trust is required to consult on admissions arrangements at least every seven years, even where no changes are proposed to the admissions arrangements.

Admissions and oversubscription criteria

We are not proposing any changes to the academy’s oversubscription criteria from previous years.

Other changes to our Admission Policy

For each of the Trust’s academies, we have amended sections containing information about the admissions process to ensure that they are consistent across our academies and reflect current practices. In some cases, this includes removing some information which we are required to publish elsewhere, and providing information on how parents/carers can access the current information.

Full details of the consultation and a copy of the proposed admission arrangements for 2025-2026 are provided below.

Have your say

Anyone can comment on the arrangements. If you wish to respond, you can do this up to midnight on Tuesday 9th January 2024 by:

•     completing the online response form at this link:

•     emailing your comments to