Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives

The Governing Body and staff of Christ Church Upper Armley Primary are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and provision throughout our school community. This statement is underpinned by the Equalities Act 2010 replacing all existing legislation and statutory duties in relation to protected characteristics and equality.

Christ Church Upper Armley Primary is committed to providing an educational environment which recognises and celebrates diversity and removes barriers to individuals realising their full potential.

Our Vision

Our school vision underpins this:

At Christ Church our vision is for children to learn with head, heart and hand. We are ambitious and work together to open minds and broaden horizons, empowering every member of our community to positively transform the world.

As a Church school, we take our inspiration from -

"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" - Galatians 5:22-23

The Equalities Act replaces a number of separate pieces of discrimination legislation and introduces a single Act which introduces 9 protected characteristics which are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • Religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Our Equality Objectives

  • To promote cultural development and awareness and respect for the diversity within our community through a range of activities and experiences across the curriculum.
  • To promote the engagement of students from all different groups in extra-curricular and enrichment activities to develop cultural capital and provide experiences beyond the school environment.
  • To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to ethnicity, age, disability, gender, or socio-economic status.
  • To ensure equal opportunities for all pupils to enable them to fulfil their full potential, by providing targeted support to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our community.

For information on the progress we are making towards our equality objectives, please see our Equality Policy on our policies page.